Monday, April 26, 2010

comfort zone

What? You are not good at Photoshop? First you tell me you don’t like carrying tripods, and then you tell me you don’t like using Photoshop. How about this… Let’s get you a little bit out of your comfort zone, eh? That’s what good friends do right… push you to make yourself better. If you keep doing things you are comfortable with, then you are never going to improve and experience new things, right? So comon… get with it.. Photoshop is great fun.
-Tray Ratcliff
I'll remember this by heart.

plus, I actually did substitute the word 'photoshop' with 'anatomy'. Well, multi-tasking.
and lastly, thanks for actually liking the tiny project that I did for Earth day, go green!. I'll complete some other tiny projects that I have in mind soon. I'll try to make sure not to screw-up the projects like what I did to my stop motion project,( which is still in my head and hardrive).Getting of the comfort zone!

click the mush ma3ul box below if you want me to complete the stop-motion project!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

reminding love: a tiny project

Living in Egypt for the past couple of years did actually remind me of something. People here eat a lot of junk foods and drink lots and lots of carbonated drinks, which is actually much more cheaper and reasonable for the poor to buy, instead of spending more money on mineral water which they could easily get from the "Egyptian style" water cooler along the road. As a result, on the streets, you could see rubbish everywhere. Literally, everywhere.

Therefore, inspired by thingsweforget, I decided to actually do a tiny little simple project today. In the spirit of supporting the Earth Day, (which is today by the way 22,April) I posted 5 post-it-notes around Mansoura to promote the Earth Day's message. Although at first, I was quite skeptic that this post-it could could do any impact to people, mainly the Egyptians, because my Arabic isn't that great to start with, plus my zero talent in drawing (beside wasting more natural resources) but I decided to go on with it, believing that at least I did something to share the love. So, I tried to post it mostly around the University area, and places where Malaysians student will be around. and yes, I did also wear all my eco-friendly t-shirts to class for the whole week.

I have some other small little tiny project in my head to work on. Including projects which requires a video camera, which I don't have right now, (plus no money for it). So I'll move things that doesn't require money to the top of the list.

Now, here it is. The post-it notes! [sorry for the blurring though, blame the phone camera, =)]

1. Ocean Restaurant.
2. Burj Ma'murah's elevator
3. Along Syari' Zhorif
4. Along the way to kuliyyah tib
5. my room,=D

You can do it too! spread the word! and if you did, do tell me about it!

tick the 'I Like' box below if you like this project!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

hari tebu sedunia

Pabila angin malam sudah tidak sedingin musim sejuk, tengahari terik seperti di utara sudan, dan bila pemandu kereta mesir lebih mudah naik melenting; 'asob billaban (tebu+susu) di kedai 'asir (jus) el-gala3 menjadi penawar segalanya setelah penat lelah mempertahankan maruah diri ditarik baju oleh mak cik yang memaksa membeli tisu.

kalau sekarang bila adik khaleeda pulang dari sekolah dengan slurpy dari 7-eleven di tangan, kanak-kanak di sekolah berhampiran kawasan gala3 tadi berlari-larian bersama batang tebu berkongsi keriangan.

kalau di rumah dulu pak cik aiskrim menaiki motor berpayung sambil membunyikan lagu 'mat kool mat kool kawanku'. pak cik yang melalui syari3 (jalan) rumah di el-zhorif menjerit memanggil pelanggan menjual tebu tanpa bantuan pembesar suara sambil menyorong kereta tolak kayu yang nampak seperti teramat berat.

kalau esok dah ada pbl awal pagi tapi sekarang masih tak tidur lagi,
kerana ini pertama kali kecewa bila diberi cuti. pbl dan presentation pada hari sabtu adalah amat membebankan.

Monday, April 19, 2010

paranoia instincts

The time has come for a new beginning!(yes, I am trying to create a little bit of poppycock gimmick). As promised, right after the exam, new layout, new features, and new articles. It's kind of sad to actually delete my previous 243 posts that was written for the past two years this page had been here, but it was a 'cortisol-adrenaline-related-decision' when something bad happen during the exam week, and I actually reacted based on my 'privacy-paranoia' instincts. But I did save the previous posts in a mirror file though! 

Although there were a lot of interesting drama during the pre-exams and post-exams, I did actually took those  stressing moments in an enjoyable way. And thankfully, there was no precious marks being deducted along the way.

The thing about post-exam is, it takes time to bounce back-up to complicated physiology theory of nerve impulse to anatomy of the face. And it becomes harder when we actually made an eye contact with a patient during the practical session, and the patient died right after that in a few hours, right beside you. And to witness a family member going mad towards the hospital staff puts more weight on it. And by not finishing the practical which was my assignment of the week made it much worse.

My overall view of the scene, I wish there was more money allocated on hospitals and clinics in the third world countries in general. I witnessed it myself, a dying patient left at an isolated ward with no patient monitoring devices, no respiratory and cardiac support, and no pain management effort being done. It's like the patient was left there to die. Unless the disease was terminal, but at least, do something about the pain. This is merely an opinion of a second year medical student. And I do believe that something could have been done.

an example of what an ICU should look like, and i assure you, it's way far from this.
photo by:Donald S. Burke, MD's blog

"no is a good word" as what Dr. Dahlia said, I'll keep that in mind.

Lastly, officially, my photoblog is now up and running!
click the banner below to go somewhere wonderful!


Friday, April 16, 2010

kortisol itu comel

oleh kerana percaturan hidup menjadi tidak menentu setelah midterm yang penuh dengan unsur drama kehidupan, page ini pun sudah mula berkembang menjadi tapak explorasi experiment bagi layout-layout yang menarik perhatian.
malangnya, seperti layout muhasay yang berunsurkan layout 'magazine' seperti gambar diatas, bagi mengubah kod html untuk slide widget nampak seperti sesuatu yang mudah, namun setelah berpuluh kali bergelumang dalam kod html dengan harapan memberi sinar cahaya hilangnya tekanan akibat menyeludup kertas soalan tidak menjadi kenyataan.

nescaya, bertemulah jodoh dengan layout hasil ehsan saudara yang hanya mahu dikenali sebagai free blogger template, menyediakan layout ini dengan percuma serta nampak lebih mudah untuk mengodam kod html yang tersedia. hanya diharapkan apabila mula mencuba untuk memuatkan slide widget kemudian nanti, tidak akan muncul sebarang masalah yang boleh menaikkan kandungan kortisol dalam darah.

maka, jika anda merupakan salah seorang pengunjung yang masih membaca hingga ke ayat ini, usah risau, akan ku cantikkan lagi apa yang perlu dicantikkan, akan ku tambah apa yang kosong,akan ku buat apa yang perlu,akan ku martabatkan Bahasa Malaysia di mata dunia!, (walaupun tiada kaitan).

nantikan page khas untuk memuatkan gambar yang telah disiarkan dan dipadamkan disini dahulu.