Tuesday, August 17, 2010

day#8 - the day adudu used his credit card

The first week I was home, a friend of mine suddenly said, "jom aku belanja korang victoria station".
This is what we call a 'habuan rezeki pulang ke tanah air'. 

You know that feeling, as we get older, well, obviously we are getting older. I'm sure I am. If not, little boys and girls at the age of 3-6 wont call me by the title of 'uncle'. And always, my reaction was "kenapa panggil uncle?". But even how old we had grown, how often we need to shave, and how fast we're putting on weight. when it comes to being together with these guys, I realize that we never actually change, since we were brought together by fate 7 years ago, the only thing that change was, what we're doing, studying, and living. Other people come and go within our lives, but we are still together, right as we know it.    

Jenan had brought us together, and made us a better person, or not. 
But I do personally think it made us slightly better. I believe so!